▶ When to apply the rate of Foreign Policyholders' Tax (FCT) on the use rights of trademarks

The Ministry of Finance issued the Official Letter 15888 / BTC-CST on the time of application of the Foreign Policyholder Tax (FCT) tax rate on the use rights of the trademark on November 7, 2016.

In the current Official Letter, the FCT's tax rate on the right of use of the trademark is clearly stated as Value-added Tax (VAT) 5% and Income Tax (CIT) 10%. The official letter of this time stipulated the time of its application.

Specifically, before VAT exemption and CIT 10% before 2 November 2016, if tax withholding has been withheld, no correction declaration is necessary. In the case after that, you must correct the FCT declaration and pay the VAT portion.


